初中部线上音乐课 | “乐”在云端,用音符和旋律驱散阴霾

日期: 2022-05-13
浏览次数: 97
来源: 枫华国际
作者: 线上音乐课
时间: 2022-05-13
浏览次数: 97
中加枫华 国际学校 线上音乐课


Music is the fire of the purest emotion that permeates the heart directly, without any external force; it is the air that is inhaled from the mouth, the blood that circulates in the veins of life. 

——(匈)李斯特/Franz Liszt

初中部线上音乐课 | “乐”在云端,用音符和旋律驱散阴霾



As a great healer, music calms and inspires,it brings warmth and happiness to everyone. During this special time, as learning and teaching has transferred online, the music lessons in front of a computer screen has so far played an important role to bring students fun, recreation, and a lot of happiness!

初中部线上音乐课 | “乐”在云端,用音符和旋律驱散阴霾


The essence of the online music lessons of Sino-Canada’s Junior High School is for students to enjoy, to experience, and to be immersed in the world of music and be inspired by its beauty. The power of music not only opens the heart of the students, but it also helps them to rewind. It adds joy to students’ daily lives and expands the horizon of the creativity and abstract thinking.

初中部线上音乐课 | “乐”在云端,用音符和旋律驱散阴霾


A typical online music lesson is divided into two parts. The first part is the teaching and reviewing of music theory and music history.The second part is music appreciation.As research shows, the best way to make a music lesson engaging is to combine the teaching of theory with hands-on experiences.For this typical reason, our teachers have included free discussion, sharing, and group singing into the lessons.The cup-dance has become anoutstanding activity since it not only reinforces students’ understanding of rhythms, it also helps with the development of the hand & brain coordination.It is a much more engaging activity compared with learning to read the music notes. It reinforces the concept of learning by doing and this teaching procedure focuses on bringing joy and inspiration to all the students using music as a media.

初中部线上音乐课 | “乐”在云端,用音符和旋律驱散阴霾


The power of music cannot be replaced by any languages, words, or images. It’s a great gift of human beings given by the nature, and we truly hope that our online music lessons touchthe heart and the soul of all our students and give them positive energy to stay strong and happy! We are looking forward to the day that we can sing, dance, and perform with our students again in the campus to celebrate and to embrace the wonderful future.

初中部线上音乐课 | “乐”在云端,用音符和旋律驱散阴霾

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