
日期: 2020-05-21
浏览次数: 184
来源: 官网
作者: 枫华风采
时间: 2020-05-21
浏览次数: 184
中加枫华国际学校 枫华BC商社 捐赠口罩媒体报道

近日,一则“From China with love!中国学生捐赠口罩”的资讯登上加拿大报纸和Global news!





下面,就让我们一起来听听中加枫华国际学校BC商社、枫华BC商社指导老师安心路Rachel An、暖心企业家马玲女士,以及中加枫华国际学校加方校长Graham Setters的感言。





We are witnessing countless touching stories and great contributions of medical staff during this outbreak.At the height of the epidemic days, the protective equipment was the most urgent need, but they were in shortage. The reporters  noted that even the medical staff in Wuhan, who were on the front line of the pandemic, sometimes suffered from a lack  of supplies.

We thought of foreign friend miles away as China’s situation gradually improved. As students,we wanted to make some efforts and do all we can, so we donated masks as many as we can to a hospital in Canada. We are happy and proud of our small contribution to other people. We believe we will conquer the virus with the united efforts by people all over the world in the near future.

BC商社指导老师  安心路 / Rachel An


As a teacher the greatest feeling is when you see your students learning important lessons, and using what they've learned to benefit the world around them. At this moment, I am so proud of the initiative our students took to help people who they don't know personally, but still know they are in need and we are capable of helping them. Even our small donation helps the greater effort, and for that our students feel very grateful they are part of solving this dire struggle facing the entire world right now. I am confident we will all get through this if we continue to care and support those most in need. After this is all done, I am also confident that the students will take away very important life lessons about how even a little help, can make a big difference in our world.

暖心企业家  马玲女士 / Ms.Ma


When I learned that students from Sino Canada International School wanted to donate to Canada, their generousity inspired me to try to help out. As a president of a company, I am always looking to do anything I can to help the world. We hope these medical supplies can give some help to people in need. Also, we want to let our students know we are together, whether the nationality, race, or region. We can defeat any disaster by helping each other and working as a team!

枫华学校加方校长 Graham Setters


One of the primary missions of Sino Canada is to educate students not only with the skills and knowledge for success in life, but also, to mould our students into caring, morally strong citizens. This simple, yet powerful gesture of our students to help out people in need shows we should have confidence in our mission. It's gestures like this that make our world a better place. Though this act of kindness, these students reminded our whole school community of this valuable lesson.



正如Graham Setters校长所说,中加枫华国际学校的主要使命,不仅仅是传授知识与能力,而是要创造适合学生全方位发展的国际化校园文化,培养具有社会责任感和国际视野的世界公民。

因此,中加枫华国际学校每年都会组织Terry Fox慈善义跑、六一慈善义卖等公益活动,鼓励学生们全员参与,让他们在参与中去感受、去唤醒,培养他们主动参与爱心活动的公益精神和社会责任感,让他们在这个世上能够成为一个更有价值的人。


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