
日期: 2016-11-01
浏览次数: 456
来源: 互联网
作者: 留学指南
时间: 2016-11-01
浏览次数: 456
中加枫华 国际学校 海外留学





  1. Learn more words associations 多进行单词联想

  Here are some tips to help bolster word memorization: Learn new words and their synonyms. Learn how to describe new words in your learning language. Instead of simply translating a word from your native language into your learning language, these techniques help you associate a new word with other words in the same language.



  Put these word connections into practice with a little improve training. You and your friends can play games like “who can describe a concept with the fewest words”, or, when you’re by yourself, you can write down as many word associations as possible. This way, when you forget a word in a real conversation, you’ll have plenty of other associations to fall back on. You’re likely to remember one of the synonyms or at least be able to describe what you mean in different words — without having to access your native language for help.



  2. Just guess 猜一猜

  Over 30% of English vocabulary was adopted from French, so if you’re speaking French to someone and you suddenly draw a blank, take a chance and “Frenchify” an English word. There’s a good chance that what you say will at least be a close approximation of a real French word. This trick also works for the other Romance languages — like Spanish, Portuguese and Italian — since these languages use words with the same Latin roots as French words. Because most of English vocabulary derives from middle German, this trick can work when speaking German and Dutch as well.


  3. Make up words 造词

  This is especially easy to do with languages like German where many nouns are compounds of two or three smaller words. If you want to say glove, but don’t have an idea, just take two probable words (hand + shoe) and stick them together. So, Handschuh is in fact the German word for glove!



  Even if your clever made-up word is totally not a real word, your conversation partner will find it much easier to guess what you mean. For example, a cell phone is not a Taschentelefon (pocket-telephone), but the invented word still communicates the concept accurately enough (the Germans actually call them Handys by the way).

  即使你机智创造的单词不是一个真的词,你的对话伙伴也能更容易的猜到你的意思。比如,“cell phone”(手机)不是德语"Taschentelefon"的单词,但创造出来的单词仍然可以准确地联系到这个概念(德国人实际上管手机叫做“Handys”)


  You can also achieve a similar effect with the equivalents of vague words like “something,” “thing” which allow context to fill in the blanks.



  4. Use your body 运用你的肢体

  Seriously, don’t underestimate the power of body language. After all, charades might be a French word, but it’s played all over the world. So do pantomime, make sound effects, gesticulate wildly, make shadow puppets if you need to, try anything!



  5. Say it in your mother tongue (speaking of moms) 说你的母语

  Saying the word in your own language is not ideal, but it’s still better than saying nothing. You can even turn it into a learning opportunity by asking — in the target language, of course — “How do you say ____ in your language?” They might not know, but it also might be the final clue they needed in order to understand you.

  用母语说是最不理想的一种方法,但这也比什么都不说好。你甚至可以把它变成一个学习机会,询问(用你正在学习的语言)“ ____用你的语言怎么说?”他们可能不了解,但这也可能成为让他们明白你(的意思)的最终线索。




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