被称为别人家的老师:专访中加枫华BC外教Matthew Collins ,用热爱与激情书写教育人生

日期: 2019-03-18
浏览次数: 632
来源: 官网
作者: 经验分享
时间: 2019-03-18
浏览次数: 632
中加枫华 国际学校 中加教育


专访中加枫华国际学校BC外教Matthew Collins :用热爱与激情书写教育人生

       他是课堂上严肃认真、耐心细致的体育老师;他是生活里帅气阳光、幽默风趣的“校园男神”;他爱好广泛、酷爱户外运动,浑身上下洋溢阳光向上的正能量;他爽朗不失细腻,一脸笑容永不缺席,他就是深受学生喜爱的BC外教——Matthew Collins。

专访中加枫华国际学校BC外教Matthew Collins :用热爱与激情书写教育人生

  Matthew Collins是枫华BC高中部体育指导兼体育部主管,2014年从维多利亚大学毕业后,Matthew Collins便来到中国,在枫华任教。学期末,我们有幸约到了Matthew Collins并进行了简单的采访,让我们走近Matthew Collins,倾听他的故事!

专访中加枫华国际学校BC外教Matthew Collins :用热爱与激情书写教育人生

  专访Matthew Collins


  A:I chose Sino-Canada because I wanted a new adventure and stayed because the amazing teaching environment that Sino-Canada offers. The staff and students are very friendly and teaching here has been the perfect start to my hopefully long teaching career.


专访中加枫华国际学校BC外教Matthew Collins :用热爱与激情书写教育人生


  A:As one of the Physical Education teachers, our goal is to introduce a variety of sports to students from grades ten to twelve. This enables students to explore various types of physical activity and hopefully find a form of fitness that they can implement in their daily lives, even after they leave our program.


专访中加枫华国际学校BC外教Matthew Collins :用热爱与激情书写教育人生


  A:Students are always finding ways to impress me at Sino and that’s because they are all so talented in their own ways. Student Representative Council is constantly find new ways to improve our school. Choir, Dance and Drama are always putting on amazing events and I haven’t even mentioned our high level athletes yet. We have students that help clean our ground and recycle and students that draw and paint beautiful art all over our hallways. I literally can’t overstate how special our student body is and how much they are learning and growing as people by being a part of our program.


专访中加枫华国际学校BC外教Matthew Collins :用热爱与激情书写教育人生


  A:Mr. Stevens and Myself are a big part of Outdoor Club. Our Club allows for students to make friends, explore their own country and take a break from their studies. This year we have gone rock climbing, are going snowboarding and skiing in Changbaishan, visiting hot springs and also planning a hiking and camping trip.

  Mr. Stevens和我都是户外社团的负责人。在我们的社团里,学生可以交到志同道合的朋友,探索他们自身的边界,暂时从学习压力中挣脱出来。这一学年,我们组织了攀岩活动,下学期将有一次长白山滑雪活动,温泉之旅,还计划组织一次徒步和野营旅行。

专访中加枫华国际学校BC外教Matthew Collins :用热爱与激情书写教育人生


  A:I think it’s very important to understand the needs of our students. One of the most valuable skills a teacher can have is connecting with students and understanding how each individual has their own learning style. Having a passion for teaching and always carrying one’s self with a positive attitude is critical.


专访中加枫华国际学校BC外教Matthew Collins :用热爱与激情书写教育人生


  A:Being an academic in school is certainly a priority however I do think that students in our program, learn valuable life lessons that extend further than just reading, writing and numeracy. I think leadership skills, presentation skills and social skills are developed through our program which also give our students the best chance for success.


专访中加枫华国际学校BC外教Matthew Collins :用热爱与激情书写教育人生

  教育就是一棵树摇动另外一棵树,一朵云推动另外一朵云,一个心灵唤醒另一颗心灵,一谈到学生,Matthew Collins打开话匣子,言语里难掩喜悦和自豪。

  一个人的幸福感取决于对自己工作价值的理解和热爱。教育,这个让人心甘情愿付出、沉醉的词语,涤荡在Matthew Collins心中最明净的位置,正如他在采访中所说:“对教学有热情,总是以积极的态度展现自己”,在四年任教生涯里,他专业于教学发展、专心于自我提升、专注于学生成长,以一颗赤子之心践行自己的教学梦想。祝愿新的一年里,Matthew Collins工作顺利、万事胜意!

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