
日期: 2015-06-18
浏览次数: 941
来源: 官网
作者: 学生风采
时间: 2015-06-18
浏览次数: 941
中加枫华 国际学校 中加教育


        李齐同学,只因热爱学习英语,却又无法接受传统的题海战术,2012年春季从河南重点高中焦作第一高级中学重点班转入枫华,因成绩优异,获枫华高一新生奖学金,今年6月她以雅思7.5,BC平均90分的优秀成绩成功申请到了Western universiy, Mount Auison universiy,Mcmcoster university,最终她选择去了Mount Auison。她在毕业感言中写到:“枫华给我的绝不只是增长知识的机会,还有无数扇通向各个方向的大门。”在开学伊始,她给母校枫华寄来了信件,来信中不难看出,她非常喜欢大学里的老师和学习生活。枫华老师收到来信,纷纷传阅,非常欣喜。






Our Orientation has already finished and school has started since Sept.2.


First, I’m so glad that I made up my mind to come to Mount Allison. It’s everything I thought it would be – small, friendly and all the professors are extremely passionate. What I love most about it is how much they care about students here. This is what really distinguishes MtA from other universities.

(我对于当初选择了Mount Allison大学感到非常高兴。这儿和我当初想象的一样,虽然校园不大,但是这里有非常友好的氛围,教授们都充满着激情,我最爱的是他们对于这里的每个学生都非常关心。我想这就是Mount Allison和其他大学不一样的地方吧。)

First about the food. We have all kinds of food at the dining hall. Since I have a meal plan, I can go there as often and eat as much as I want of cereals, milk, fruit, juices, ice creams, BBQ, vegetables, spaghetti, etc. There is no need to buy food off campus.


This term I’m taking 5 courses which include Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Philosophy and Psychology.


I found the science courses fairly easy so far. And since I was trained at Sino for two and a half years, I found it easy to follow my professors in class. Luckily I was put into a very efficient study group of 4 girls. One of them has actually become a good friend of mine now. We often do our assignments together in the library. We have the same pace and share the same passion about studying.


In Philosophy we have a lot of papers to write. I’m not sure I will like this course.


I definitely love Psychology. I think it’s largely due to my professor. She’s organized, funny and loves to talk to students. I especially love how she encourages us to ask questions.


I did find it a bit hard to completely understand what my friends say after class. Sometimes they talk really fast. Sometimes they talk when they’re laughing. I try to spend as much time as possible with them and use English all the time. So far, I’ve met a lot of people in and outside of class.


The longer I stay here, the more grateful I am for everything I learned at Sino. It really helped me to prepare for my life in Canada, whether it’s academically or socially. I’ve already seen students from China who can’t understand their profs or can’t fit in Canadian’s groups. I can feel that they are stressed about it.


So please let me thank Sino for all it has taught me.


Wishing you a good year! 

Irene Li Qi


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