【枫华外教专访】Jean-Claude Allen:“在中国当老师,是我做过最正确的决定”

日期: 2019-11-07
浏览次数: 427
来源: 官网
作者: 中加枫华
时间: 2019-11-07
浏览次数: 427
中加枫华 国际学校 枫华教育

他是课堂上幽默风趣的英文老师,他的课堂总不乏乐趣与欢笑。他是生活里备受学生喜爱的“大哥哥”,爽朗不失细腻。他来自南非约翰内斯堡,却在中国发现了生命中最热爱的事业。他是Jean-Claude Allen。

【枫华外教专访】Jean-Claude Allen:“在中国当老师,是我做过最正确的决定”

It was only in my last year at the University that I decided to become a teacher in China. Its the best decision I've ever made, knowing that I'm making an impact on the young youth of today in their come-up in life is a huge honor. They are our future.


——Jean-Claude Allen

专访Jean-Claude Allen

Jean-Claude Allen,来自南非约翰内斯堡,毕业于南非自由州大学(南非最古老的大学之一,世界排名在前50位)。现任中加枫华国际学校高中部英文写作老师。


I love working with the Chinese students, some are not very interested but some kids look up to you as a role model figure. Knowing that there are some students looking up to you, its very important to set a good example for them. Most of the time the 'non interested' students start to get interested when they see their friends pays a lot of attention to the teacher. Being profesional plays a huge role in making a positive impact on the students and their come-up in life.


【枫华外教专访】Jean-Claude Allen:“在中国当老师,是我做过最正确的决定”


The main content is to prepare them to get into the BC program. For that to be possible they need to be able to write and understand how to write something specific. The progress I've seen in some of the students makes me wonder, why are they not in BC already. The key to learning anything is being interested, when you are interested in something and motivated enough, it becomes much easier to understand what and why writing is so important. I do my best to make sure my students keep their eyes on the price.



The key to learning writing well is showing the students an easy and fun way to write and keeping them interested. The first step is to show them a fun/interesting way to start planning. Planning is important and it makes it easier to write knowing what they are going to write about using the planning. I showed the students to use a spider diagram to do their planning, they laughed and enjoy using that method. 


【枫华外教专访】Jean-Claude Allen:“在中国当老师,是我做过最正确的决定”


I improve their efficiency by making the class fun and making them laugh to get them interested. Using something they are interested in to create a good atmosphere and an example of what they should do. I also teach them how to do a proper planning before writing anything using a funny way they won't ever forget. 


在与Jean-Claude Allen的访谈中,他多次提到的“兴趣”,为了让学生爱上英文写作课,他会挑学生感兴趣的话题进行教学,并制作丰富有趣的课件。不少学生表示,自从上了Jean-Claude Allen的课,对于“英文写作”再也不头大了!

一个人的幸福感取决于对自己工作价值的理解和热爱。Jean-Claude Allen认为,来到中国、在枫华当老师,是他做过最正确的决定。他热爱他的事业,更热爱他的学生,祝愿他在中国的工作和生活一切顺利!

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